title: “Downstream analyses, model selection, troubleshooting”
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
#> The interface to all required Python modules has been activated.

plan(multisession, workers = availableCores())

SEED <- 42


Note: The demografr R package is still under active development. As a result, its documentation is in a draft stage at best. Typos, inconsistencies, and other issues are unfortunately expected.


Let’s return to our first example. However, this time, imagine that we don’t really know which of the three following phylogenetic relationships is the one that captures the features of our data best, perhaps with different sources of evidence being consistent with each one of them so we want to consider all three in our modeling (as always, this is purely a toy example). These models differ both in terms of tree topology of the population relationships as well as in the gene flow, and we want to perform model selection.

For completeness, here is again our observed data which was, in reality, generated by a hidden evolutionary process we’re trying to understand by running ABC:

  1. Nucleotide diversity in each population:
observed_diversity <- read.table(system.file("examples/observed_diversity.tsv", package = "demografr"), header = TRUE)

#>    set    diversity
#> 1 popA 8.037847e-05
#> 2 popB 3.242467e-05
#> 3 popC 1.021123e-04
#> 4 popD 8.968777e-05
  1. Pairwise divergence d_X_Y between populations X and Y:
observed_divergence <- read.table(system.file("examples/observed_divergence.tsv", package = "demografr"), header = TRUE)

#>      x    y   divergence
#> 1 popA popB 0.0002387594
#> 2 popA popC 0.0002391843
#> 3 popA popD 0.0002389617
#> 4 popB popC 0.0001089125
#> 5 popB popD 0.0001155571
#> 6 popC popD 0.0001105323
  1. Value of the following \(f_4\)-statistic:
observed_f4  <- read.table(system.file("examples/observed_f4.tsv", package = "demografr"), header = TRUE)

#>      W    X    Y    Z            f4
#> 1 popA popB popC popD -3.433205e-06
#> 2 popA popC popB popD -7.125812e-07
#> 3 popA popD popB popC  2.720624e-06

We will again bind them into a list:

observed <- list(diversity  = observed_diversity, divergence = observed_divergence, f4 = observed_f4)

Three competing models

First, in order to perform model selection, we need to specify models themselves. We do this by defining three separate slendr functions, each of them encoding the three phylogenetic relationships from the diagrams above. Note that we’re not trying to infer the time of gene flow, for simplicity, but we do fix the gene flow event to different times (again, reflected in the alternative model sketches above):

modelX <- function(Ne_A, Ne_B, Ne_C, Ne_D, T_1, T_2, T_3, gf) {
  popA <- population("popA", time = 1,   N = Ne_A)
  popB <- population("popB", time = T_1, N = Ne_B, parent = popA)
  popC <- population("popC", time = T_2, N = Ne_C, parent = popB)
  popD <- population("popD", time = T_3, N = Ne_D, parent = popC)

  gf <- gene_flow(from = popB, to = popC, start = 9000, end = 9301, rate = gf)

  model <- compile_model(
    populations = list(popA, popB, popC, popD), gene_flow = gf,
    generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 10000,
    direction = "forward"

  samples <- schedule_sampling(
    model, times = 10000,
    list(popA, 25), list(popB, 25), list(popC, 25), list(popD, 25),
    strict = TRUE

  return(list(model, samples))

modelY <- function(Ne_A, Ne_B, Ne_C, Ne_D, T_1, T_2, T_3, gf) {
  popA <- population("popA", time = 1,   N = Ne_A)
  popB <- population("popB", time = T_1, N = Ne_B, parent = popA)
  popC <- population("popC", time = T_2, N = Ne_C, parent = popA)
  popD <- population("popD", time = T_3, N = Ne_D, parent = popC)

  gf <- gene_flow(from = popA, to = popC, start = 7000, end = 7301, rate = gf)

  model <- compile_model(
    populations = list(popA, popB, popC, popD), gene_flow = gf,
    generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 10000,
    direction = "forward"

  samples <- schedule_sampling(
    model, times = 10000,
    list(popA, 25), list(popB, 25), list(popC, 25), list(popD, 25),
    strict = TRUE

  return(list(model, samples))

modelZ <- function(Ne_A, Ne_B, Ne_C, Ne_D, T_1, T_2, T_3, gf) {
  popA <- population("popA", time = 1,   N = Ne_A)
  popB <- population("popB", time = T_1, N = Ne_B, parent = popA)
  popC <- population("popC", time = T_2, N = Ne_C, parent = popA)
  popD <- population("popD", time = T_3, N = Ne_D, parent = popA)

  gf <- gene_flow(from = popB, to = popC, start = 9000, end = 9301, rate = gf)

  model <- compile_model(
    populations = list(popA, popB, popC, popD), gene_flow = gf,
    generation_time = 1, simulation_length = 10000,
    direction = "forward"

  samples <- schedule_sampling(
    model, times = 10000,
    list(popA, 25), list(popB, 25), list(popC, 25), list(popD, 25),
    strict = TRUE

  return(list(model, samples))

Now, let’s specify priors using demografr’s templating syntax. This saves us a bit of typing, making the prior definition code a bit more consise and easier to read:

priors <- list(
  Ne... ~ runif(100, 10000),

  T_1   ~ runif(1,    4000),
  T_2   ~ runif(3000, 9000),
  T_3   ~ runif(5000, 10000),

  gf    ~ runif(0, 1)

Let’s also put together a list of tree-sequence summary functions and observed summary statistics:

compute_diversity <- function(ts) {
  samples <- ts_names(ts, split = "pop")
  ts_diversity(ts, sample_sets = samples)
compute_divergence <- function(ts) {
  samples <- ts_names(ts, split = "pop")
  ts_divergence(ts, sample_sets = samples)
compute_f4 <- function(ts) {
  samples <- ts_names(ts, split = "pop")
  A <- samples["popA"]; B <- samples["popB"]
  C <- samples["popC"]; D <- samples["popD"]
    ts_f4(ts, A, B, C, D),
    ts_f4(ts, A, C, B, D),
    ts_f4(ts, A, D, B, C)

functions <- list(diversity = compute_diversity, divergence = compute_divergence, f4 = compute_f4)

Let’s validate the ABC setup of all three models – this is an important check that the slendr model functions are defined correctly:

validate_abc(modelX, priors, functions, observed, quiet = TRUE)
validate_abc(modelY, priors, functions, observed, quiet = TRUE)
validate_abc(modelZ, priors, functions, observed, quiet = TRUE)

With that out of the way, we can proceed with generating simulated data for inference using all three models. What we’ll do is perform three runs and save them into appropriately named variables dataX, dataY, and dataZ:

dataX <- simulate_abc(modelX, priors, functions, observed, iterations = 10000,
                      sequence_length = 10e6, recombination_rate = 1e-8, mutation_rate = 1e-8)
dataY <- simulate_abc(modelY, priors, functions, observed, iterations = 10000,
                      sequence_length = 10e6, recombination_rate = 1e-8, mutation_rate = 1e-8)
dataZ <- simulate_abc(modelZ, priors, functions, observed, iterations = 10000,
                      sequence_length = 10e6, recombination_rate = 1e-8, mutation_rate = 1e-8)

The total runtime for the ABC simulations was 0 hours 59 minutes 34 seconds parallelized across 96 CPUs.

abcX <- run_abc(dataX, engine = "abc", tol = 0.01, method = "neuralnet")
abcY <- run_abc(dataY, engine = "abc", tol = 0.01, method = "neuralnet")
abcZ <- run_abc(dataZ, engine = "abc", tol = 0.01, method = "neuralnet")


Before doing model selection, it’s important to perform cross-validation to answer the question whether our ABC setup can even distinguish between the competing models.

This can be done using demografr’s cross_validate() function which is built around abc’s own function cv4postpr(). We will not go into too much detail, as this function simply calls cv4postpr() under the hood, passing to it all specified function arguments on behalf of a user to avoid unnecessary manual data munging. For more details, read section “Model selection” in the vignette of the abc R package.

The one difference between the two functions is that cross_validate() removes the need to prepare character indices and bind together summary statistic matrices from different models—given that demografr’s ABC output objects track all this information along in their internals, this is redundant, and you can perform cross-validation of different ABC models simply by calling this:

models <- list(abcX, abcY, abcZ)

cv_result <- cross_validate(models = models, nval = 100, tol = 0.01, method = "neuralnet")

If we print out the result, we get a quick summary with confusion matrices and other information:

#> Confusion matrix based on 100 samples for each model.
#> $tol0.01
#>        modelX modelY modelZ
#> modelX     90      8      2
#> modelY      0    100      0
#> modelZ      0      5     95
#> Mean model posterior probabilities (neuralnet)
#> $tol0.01
#>        modelX modelY modelZ
#> modelX 0.8854 0.0869 0.0276
#> modelY 0.0860 0.9053 0.0087
#> modelZ 0.0064 0.0531 0.9405

Similarly, you can use the plot() function to visualize the result. This function, yet again, internally calls abc’s own plotting method internall, with a bonus option to save a figure to a PDF right from the plot() call (useful when working on a remote server):


Because we have three models, each of the three barplots shows how often were summary statistics sampled from each model classified as likely coming from one of the three models. In other words, with absolutely perfect classification, each barplot would show just one of the three colors. If a barplot (results for one model) shows multiple colors, this means that some fraction of simulated statistics from that model was incorrectly classified as another model. Again, for more detail on interpretation, caveats, and best practices, please consult the abc R package vignette and a relevant statistical textbook.

The confusion matrices and the visualization all suggest that ABC can distinguish between the three models very well. For instance, modelX has been classified correctly in 90 simulations out of the total of 100 cross-validation simulations, with an overall misclassification rate for all models of only {r sprintf("%.1f", cv_result$estim[[1]] %>% { 1 - mean(names(.) == .) } * 100)}%.

Model selection

Armed with confidence in the ability of ABC to correctly identify the correct model based on simulated data, we can proceed to selection of the best model for our empirical data set. This can be done with the function select_model() which is demografr’s convenience wrapper around abc’s own function postpr:

models <- list(abcX, abcY, abcZ)

modsel <- select_model(models, tol = 0.03, method = "neuralnet")

We can make a decision on the model selection by inspecting the summary() of the produced result:

#> Call: 
#> abc::postpr(target = observed_stats, index = model_names, sumstat = model_stats, 
#>     tol = 0.03, method = "neuralnet")
#> Data:
#>  postpr.out$values (900 posterior samples)
#> Models a priori:
#>  modelX, modelY, modelZ
#> Models a posteriori:
#>  modelX, modelY, modelZ
#> Proportion of accepted simulations (rejection):
#> modelX modelY modelZ 
#> 0.9667 0.0322 0.0011 
#> Bayes factors:
#>          modelX   modelY   modelZ
#> modelX   1.0000  30.0000 870.0000
#> modelY   0.0333   1.0000  29.0000
#> modelZ   0.0011   0.0345   1.0000
#> Posterior model probabilities (neuralnet):
#> modelX modelY modelZ 
#>      1      0      0 
#> Bayes factors:
#>             modelX      modelY      modelZ
#> modelX      1.0000 247177.1380 112916.2144
#> modelY      0.0000      1.0000      0.4568
#> modelZ      0.0000      2.1890      1.0000

As we can see, modelX shows the highest rate of acceptance among all simulations. Specifically, we see that the proportion of acceptance is 96.7%.

Similarly, looking at the Bayes factors, we see that the “modelX” is 30.0 times more likely than “modelY”, and 870.0 more likely than “modelZ”.

When the posterior probabilities are computed using a more elaborate neural network method (again, see more details in the abc vignette), we find that the probability of “modelX” is even more overwhelming. In fact, the analysis shows that it has a 100% probabiliy of being the correct model to explain our data.

But how accurate are these conclusions? Well, if we take a peek at the slendr model which was internally used to generate the “observed” summary statistics, we see that the data was indeed simulated by code nearly identical to the one shown above as modelX. When plotted, the true model looks like this:

popA <- population("popA", time = 1, N = 2000)
popB <- population("popB", time = 2000, N = 800, parent = popA)
popC <- population("popC", time = 6000, N = 9000, parent = popB)
popD <- population("popD", time = 8000, N = 4000, parent = popC)

gf <- gene_flow(from = popB, to = popC, start = 9000, end = 9301, rate = 0.1)

example_model <- compile_model(
  populations = list(popA, popB, popC, popD), gene_flow = gf,
  generation_time = 1,
  simulation_length = 10000

plot_model(example_model, proportions = TRUE)



So, it appears that we can be quite confident in which of the three models best represents the data. However, before we move on to inferring parameters of the model, we should check whether the best selected model can indeed capture the most important features of the data, which is in case of ABC represented by our summary statistics.

The abc R package provides two functions, gfit() and gfitpca(), for which demografr yet again provides convenient wrappers which leverage various model metadata stored in each demografr inference object.

First, there is a function goodness_of_fit() which can be used in the following way:

gfitX <- goodness_of_fit(abcX, replicates = 1000)

#> $pvalue
#> [1] 0.449
#> $s.dist.sim
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   3.696   4.237   4.733   5.226   5.507  25.508 
#> $dist.obs
#> [1] 4.843342
plot(gfitX, main = "Histogram for modelX under H0")

gfitY <- goodness_of_fit(abcY, replicates = 1000)

#> $pvalue
#> [1] 0.259
#> $s.dist.sim
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   3.929   4.536   5.040   5.403   5.808  14.306 
#> $dist.obs
#> [1] 5.745712
plot(gfitY, main = "Histogram for modelY under H0")

gfitZ <- goodness_of_fit(abcZ, replicates = 1000)

#> $pvalue
#> [1] 0.146
#> $s.dist.sim
#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
#>   3.943   4.572   5.071   5.651   5.804  18.945 
#> $dist.obs
#> [1] 6.466377
plot(gfitZ, main = "Histogram for modelZ under H0")

models <- list(abcX, abcY, abcZ)

names(models) <- vapply(models, function(m) attr(m, "components")$model_name, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
model_nsims <- vapply(models, function(x) nrow(attr(x, "components")$simulated), FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
model_stats <- lapply(models, function(x) attr(x, "components")$simulated) %>% do.call(rbind, .) %>% as.matrix()
model_names <- lapply(seq_along(models), function(i) rep(names(models)[i], model_nsims[i])) %>% unlist()

observed_stats <- bind_observed(attr(models[[1]], "components")$observed)

if (length(colnames(observed_stats)) != length(colnames(observed_stats)) || 
  any(colnames(observed_stats) != colnames(model_stats))) {
  stop("Observed and simulated statistics matrices are not compatible", call. = FALSE)

#> locfit 1.5-9.8    2023-06-11
abc::gfitpca(target = observed_stats, sumstat = model_stats, index = model_names, cprob = 0.1)

plan(multisession, workers = availableCores())
predX <- predict(abcX, 1000, posterior = "unadj")
predY <- predict(abcY, 1000, posterior = "unadj")
predZ <- predict(abcZ, 1000, posterior = "unadj")
plot_prediction(predX, "diversity")

plot_prediction(predX, "divergence")

plot_prediction(predX, "f4")

  plot_prediction(predX, "diversity"),
  plot_prediction(predY, "diversity"),
  plot_prediction(predZ, "diversity"),
  nrow = 1

If more customization or a more detailed analyses is needed, you can also extract data from the posterior simulations themselves:

extract_prediction(predX, "diversity")
#> # A tibble: 4,000 × 12
#>      rep   T_1   T_2   T_3     gf  Ne_A  Ne_B  Ne_C  Ne_D summary  stat    value
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1     1 2146. 5964. 7574. 0.0825  872.  517. 4464. 4286. diversi… dive… 3.04e-5
#>  2     1 2146. 5964. 7574. 0.0825  872.  517. 4464. 4286. diversi… dive… 1.88e-5
#>  3     1 2146. 5964. 7574. 0.0825  872.  517. 4464. 4286. diversi… dive… 7.73e-5
#>  4     1 2146. 5964. 7574. 0.0825  872.  517. 4464. 4286. diversi… dive… 7.59e-5
#>  5     1 2788. 6378. 9272. 0.566  2470. 1654. 3381.  415. diversi… dive… 9.30e-5
#>  6     1 2788. 6378. 9272. 0.566  2470. 1654. 3381.  415. diversi… dive… 6.98e-5
#>  7     1 2788. 6378. 9272. 0.566  2470. 1654. 3381.  415. diversi… dive… 1.14e-4
#>  8     1 2788. 6378. 9272. 0.566  2470. 1654. 3381.  415. diversi… dive… 5.02e-5
#>  9     1 3224. 4595. 9728. 0.216  1947.  592. 6057.  450. diversi… dive… 7.70e-5
#> 10     1 3224. 4595. 9728. 0.216  1947.  592. 6057.  450. diversi… dive… 2.06e-5
#> # ℹ 3,990 more rows

However, note that extract_prediction is a convenience function which only unnests, reformats, and renames the list-columns with summary statistics stored in the predictions data frame above. You can do all the processing based on the predictions object above.