Courses, lectures, workshops

Here are links to teaching resources for various lectures or workshops I taught over time: slides, RMarkdown or Quarto source files, scripts, exercises.

Note: This page is a work-in-progress. I’m currently going through my teaching archive and uploading or linking relevant information here. If a resource you’d like to see is missing, please get in touch! Thanks for understanding.


“Building intuition into population genetic fundamentals and inference”

Practical activity session the Workshop on Population and Speciation Genomics in Český Krumlov, January 2025


“Archaic human introgression”

Lecture and exercises for the Population genetics course at the University of Copenhagen, February 2024


slendr simulations”

Two day workshop at MPI EVA Leipzig, February 2023

“Simulations in population genetics”

Lecture and exercises for the Summer course in analysis of high throughput data for population genetics, University of Copenhagen, August 2023


“Simulations in population genetics”

Lecture and exercises for the Summer course in analysis of high throughput data for population genetics, University of Copenhagen, August 2022


admixr workshop”

Online workshop for graduate students of ANTH 895: Methods and Research in Molecular Anthropology I, Yale University, March 2021