Selected talks and presentations

Here is a selection of slides I used in some of my conference talks, invited lectures, and conference posters. If you attended my talk and missed a reference to a paper or a figure, you can track them down here.

If you want to download any slides, use the download button in the top-right corner on the GitHub page where each of the “PDF” links below takes you.

Invited talks and keynotes


“R and SLiM walk into a bar…

SLiM workshop, organized by Ben Haller at the University of Copenhagen


Charting ancient past through modern genomics (keynote)

ISBA 2023, Tartu, Estonia


New stories of old DNA

Biological Thursdays” seminar series, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

slendr: a framework for simulation and analysis of spatio-temporal population genomic data

Palaeo and Population genetics series”, Uppsala, Sweden (online webinar)


The Evolutionary History of Neanderthal and Denisovan Y chromosomes

“Evolutionary Genetics of Humans and Other Primates” reading group, University of Utah, USA (online seminar)


Neanderthal ancestry in modern human genomes (keynote)

“Systems Biology Workshop”, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

Conference presentations


Limits of long-term selection against Neanderthal introgression

Reconstructing the human past: using ancient and modern genomics, Heidelberg, Germany

The evolutionary history of Denisovan and Neanderthal Y chromosomes

“6th International Anthropological Congress of Dr. Ales Hrdlicka”, Humpolec, Czech Republic

Conference posters


Simple and efficient R toolkit for ABC inference in population genetics

“Symposium for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE)”


slendr: a framework for simulation and analysis of spatio-temporal population genomic data

Probabilistic Modeling in Genomics (ProbGen)“


A framework for simulating spatio-temporal population genomic data on a real geographic landscape

“Symposium for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE)”

Interviews and podcasts


podcast interview