Remove substitutions that are more likely to be a result of ancient DNA damage (C->T and G->A substitutions).
transversions_only(data, outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".snp"))
Updated S3 EIGENSTRAT data object with an additional 'exclude' slot specifying the path to the set of SNPs to be removed from a downstream analysis.
if (FALSE) # download an example genomic data set and prepare it for analysis
snps <- eigenstrat(download_data(dirname = tempdir()))
# perform the calculation only on transversions
snps_tv <- transversions_only(snps)
#> Error: object 'snps' not found
results_d <- d(W = "French", X = "Dinka", Y = "Altai", Z = "Chimp", data = snps_tv)
#> Error: object 'snps_tv' not found
# \dontrun{}