Keep (or discard) SNPs that overlap (or lie outside of) regions in a given BED file.
remove = FALSE,
outfile = tempfile(fileext = ".snp"),
bedtools_args = ""
EIGENSTRAT data object.
Path to a BED file.
Remove sites falling inside the BED file regions? By default, sites that do not overlap BED regions are removed.
Path to an output snp file with coordinates of excluded sites.
Optional arguments to `bedtools intersect` such as "-sorted"
or "-sorted -nonamecheck"
Updated S3 EIGENSTRAT data object.
This function requires a functioning bedtools installation! See:
if (FALSE) # download an example genomic data set
prefix <- download_data(dirname = tempdir())
# create an EIGENSTRAT R object from the downloaded data
snps <- eigenstrat(prefix)
#> Error: object 'prefix' not found
# get the path to an example BED file
bed <- file.path(dirname(prefix), "regions.bed")
#> Error: object 'prefix' not found
# BED file contains regions to keep in an analysis
snps_kept <- filter_bed(snps, bed)
#> Error: object 'snps' not found
# BED file contains regions to remove from an analysis
snps_removed <- filter_bed(snps, bed, remove = TRUE)
#> Error: object 'snps' not found
# \dontrun{}